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Product Update: New Feature

Automated Material Translation: Enhancing Data Integrity at Dayrize

Dayrize has just released a new feature within their Sustainability Intelligence platform focused on improving material data integrity. The new automated system is designed to match and translate material names sourced from various external platforms to standardized names within the Dayrize Materials Database.

Accurate alignment of material names sourced from disparate systems  such as ERP systems, PLM databases, and other platforms, with the standardized names in databases is a common hurdle within data management. This misalignment has historically led to biased manual mapping, hampering effective scoring and decision-making, crucial for sustainability impact assessments. The lack of an automated, intelligent system resulted in manual interventions and a risk of discrepancies that undermined data integrity and operational fluidity.

This new product feature is a robust, automated system embedded within our Materials Database. The algorithmic approach leverages cutting-edge natural language processing techniques and similarity metrics. This system not only automates the matching process, but delivers an unprecedented level of accuracy and efficiency.

Consistent and accurate material data underpins effective communication, decision-making, and analytics within Dayrize’s operations. This new feature delivers a significant reduction in discrepancies, minimal manual interventions and a new level of data integrity for customers who depend on reliable material data for informed decision making.

Are you interested in learning more about Dayrize? Book a demo to see the features of our Sustainability Intelligence platform hands-on.

Tugba Sertkaya
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